About Luchtsingel

The Luchtsingel Foundation is established according to the guidelines of the cultural governance model.
Board of Trustees
The board of trustees functions as the ambassadors of the Luchtsingel and also has an advisory role. The Board is represented by Cor van Hulst (formerly director City Development, municipality Rotterdam), Ko Blok (director of Blok & Ko) and Henk Snoeken (acting director of Spatial Development, Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment). Johan Vermeer (municipality Rotterdam) is supervisory body.
The executive board
The executive board is formed by Elma van Boxel and Kristian Koreman. Their tasks are managing daily coordination’s, logistical planning and preparation process for the foundation. Furthermore, the board is responsible for leading the core workgroup of the foundation and controlling the project.
Core work group
Each month there is a meeting of the core work group where all aspects of the projects are discussed. The core work group exists of representatives of The Urban Development Department in the City of Rotterdam and the various municipality districts; Rotterdam Central District and Station Hofbogen.
Closing structure
Each month the board of trustees and the executive Board have a meeting where the project plan, the execution status and financial report are presented.